
blockaid game screenshot
blockaid game screenshot

I’m honoured to have been a part of this wonderful initiative by the charity War Child.

“HELP: The Game” brought together 11 top developers (including us at SEGA Hardlight) to raise money for children in war. In the spirit of the Help album, we game-jammed to produce games for a fund raising bundle.

We spent 3 days on our effort: BlockAid, a minimalist puzzler that centers around the charities core methods of support. The player places Protection, Livelihood and Education blocks to provide safe passage for children through an oppressive maze.

It was imperitive for the gameplay that we kept things simple, clean, readable and full of character. This meant a lot of iteration and polish upon a simplistic art style and cute animation; I’m very proud of what we accomplished in the time available. It’s been fantastic watching players both inside and outside the studio embrace and enjoy the game.